TRS – Dhania Coriander Whole 100g


Dhania Coriander whole

Coriander seeds Also named as Sookha Dhaniya is an most important ingredient in Indian spice that not only makes your food delicious but has numerous health benefits.

  • It is extensively used across various regional cuisines to flavour curries, stir fries, snacks.
  • Coriander is an Main part of curry powder , Garam Masala and is a part of fast every Indian spice blends. Its is also use to enhance the flavour of South Indian vegetable curry, especially sambhar. Chopped leaves and powdered coriander are used for garnishing various food items in India.
  • In Ayurveda, it is highly recommended for stomach related Problems , Because it’s known to help digestion.
  • Dhaniya seeds are avry efficient in curing different skin syndrome like eczema, itchy skin, rashes and inflammation as they have antiseptic properties.
  • In food, coriander leaves are often used whole, whereas the seeds are used dried or ground.
  • Coriander seed contains an extremely high level of dodecenal which is a compound that fights a bacterium called salmonella, with more productive than an antibiotic.
  • Early research suggests that putting 6% coriander oil on the skin helps to improve symptoms of athlete’s foot.
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